Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Public Service Annoucement

As many of you know, the purpose of my blogging is for entertainment value. And for me to ponder the many questions we all have concerning the world of dating. However, I have recently become concerned that The Single Friend has become too closely associated with the real person behind it. For those of you who know my living, breathing human self (and not just the cyber Single Friend), please take this message seriously.

If you are in my physical presence, do not mention the fact that I blog.
If you have questions or story ideas, please refrain from mentioning them anywhere associated with my real name. This includes all references to the fact that I have a blog and what it's called. Direct all inquires to Please do not ask me who the pseudonyms real-life people are. And do not bring up specific entries or nicknames in real life either. I am also going to try not to mention anything of the sort either just so it's fair for all of us.

I am not directing this PSA at any reader in particular. In fact, I love that so many people have started raving about The Single Friend. But (in all seriousness) I have started to question whether or not I can remain sane while attempting to blog about such personal topics. I have briefly considered completely deleting this blog altogether. I've found it rather stressful to broadcast such information to the public while fearing the link might fall into the wrong hands. So do me a favor and separate The Single Friend from the real-life person behind it.

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