Thursday, December 10, 2009

Second Time Around

Recently, I went to the city to celebrate Karlene's birthday, along with 20 or so of our closest college friends. Among those was a frat boy who I'd once had a fling with. Not exactly a fling. I had one of those weird nerdy-crushes on him and eventually one night we ended up drunk and in my dorm room. Clothes came off and one thing led to another.

Unfortunately this frat boy, let's call him...iBanker, had too much jungle juice and things just weren't happening for him. I tried to do what I could, but whiskey really had his dick. I don't exactly recall how the night ended. He may have slept over or he may have fled from embarassment. But, not surprisingly, he was often rather awkward when we ran into each other around campus.

But anyway, here he was at Karlene's big 2-3. Janelle didn't go to college with us, so she wanted the scoop on the guys in attendance. She commented on iBanker and I informed her that I had been there, done that. I looked around and tried to set my sights elsewhere.

This attempt failed and after a few drinks, I decided that iBanker deserved another shot. My friend Matilda also said rumor was he was well endowed. And I may or may not have been attracted to his shiny watch and well, title as an iBanker. So I put on my game face, and a few minutes later he was buying me a drink at the bar. Shortly after that, we were making out on the dance floor.


Then I was, alwasys easily persuaded, in a cab en route to his apartment, leaving Janelle and Korey to fend for themselves (sorry, girls). We chatted and smooched and I think we may have even held hands. He waved hello to his doorman and up to his apartment we went.

And OhMyGod was the second time better. We moved around, messed around, and I can in fact confirm Matilda's rumor.

I awoke the next morning, confused about my whereabouts until seeing iBanker's fraternity paddle. He wasn't in bed, so I gathered my things from the nightstand (read: earrings, thong, cell phone) and put my FMP's back on, preparing for the walk of shame. When I stood, it felt as though I had pulled a muscle in my hip area. Successful night? I think so.

iBanker was reading in his living room, and I'm sure it was something far beyond my scope of intelligence. He said he didn't want to wake me up and got up to peck me good-bye. I shut the door to the apartment, and slightly limped toward the elevator. Jacketless in November and wearing snakeskin shoes, I reluctanctly said good morning to the doormen (so much for sneaking out). But as I hid my face and walked to get a cab, I couldn't help but be happy it was better the second time around.

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