Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Creepy Coworker

I work in a blue collar environment. I am one of 4-6 college educated employees, and the only college-educated female. Not only that, but I am also one of the youngest. The other young females perform assembly line work, and the women in the office are all 35 and over. I do not exactly fit in at work. There is nothing wrong with being blue collar or working in a factory, of course. It's just not what I'm used to. And socializing is definitely something I'd prefer to avoid at work.

I often vary the style which I wear my hair in. Up, down, straight or curly. Ronald, whose job I don't quite understand, commented "Oh, hair's up today?" then later, "Straight today?" and "Ponytail today?". Strange. Especially since he also mentioned recently looking at colleges with his daughter, meaning this man was definitely old enough to be my father. Eesh.

One day I was performing work at a computer out on the factory floor. I sat in the production manager's chair, and Ronald came over and said "At least we finally got someone good looking sitting in that chair!"

Flattering? Maybe. Work appropriate? I don't think so.

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha, people comment on the weirdest stuff at work... If I wear a scarf or something at work, I get asked probably 13 times if I'm cold... I think people are just bored. But you are hot, so there's that too!

