Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Always Chatting

My friend Janelle and I were chatting today. About boys. As always.

But Janelle brought up an interesting point - We're just always talking about boys. Maybe it's part of being single- after all, if we had boyfriends we'd probably a) spend time with them and therefore less time talking to eachother, and b) wouldn't have a new boy to chat about every couple of days. And I suppose there's a lot more to analyze when things go terribly wrong, which is normally the case for me.

Even at work- I talk about guys with the almost-30 coworker I've known for approximately 1 week. I'm not sure either of us could offer much insight into the other's love life- but maybe being straight is a good area of common ground. It doesn't help that the ten or so other staff members are all male. So once we talk about them it just tends to segway into a crush or something.

It's just funny because I wonder if I'd worry about guys if we didn't talk about them all the time. We hang on every word and overanalyze every text. Even something so subtle as a sideways glance can mean he's totally into (or not) into you. Is he being friendly or flirty? So many questions and so few answers- and we're always left to ponder it with our fellow single friends. As much as the girls who are attached can offer insight, it just isn't the same when they do not have a similar dilemma. It's just so silly- we should have much more important issues to discuss right? Our jobs, dieting, the economy? Death of Senator Kennedy?

Not really our style. I like boys. And I'm just gonna keep talking about them until I find one who doesn't intrigue me so much.

1 comment:

  1. It's what ties us all together in the end. The subject of boys. Never gets old
