Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Un-Answerable Question

Korey and I, fellow alums, and about 50 of our sorority sisters and favorite fraternity brothers, celebrated our college's homecoming over the weekend. We ended up at a house party, complete with red cups, beer pong, and kegstands. And of course, the usual catch-up conversations.

Korey and I were talking to a former frat boy who once dated a girl in our sorority. He was telling us about his life, his new girlfriend, and trying to explain to us his fondness for philosophy. This was all fine and dandy until he asked us both a question neither of us would care to discuss.

Philosopher Frat Boy: Boyfriend?
TSF: Nope.
PFB: Why not?

WHY NOT? As if I have somehow taken myself out of the dating pool because I cannot find a suitable suitor. Please. I attributed my singledom to laziness, which in all honesty is a partial reason. He agreed and said that being a boyfriend/girlfriend does in fact, require a lot of 'work'. And I haven't the time or the state of mind to devote to a relationship right now. But as always, for the right person I might be willing. Anyway.

When asked the same question, Korey said her singledom was not by choice and that some things just need time. I joked with PFB that we are both too pretty, to which I got a strange look and a forced laugh. No matter.

After Korey and I discussed the weekend in great detail, I could not help but to keep pondering this question. Belinda found it strange that a twenty-something guy would ask this question, and upon my own over-analysis, I agreed. But I still could not help thinking that my answer, while the best nonsensical thing I could think of, was not entirely true or accurate. Meeting someone is problem, as is getting them to actually commit. My two-week track record also presents a roadblock. Or maybe I just wouldn't know what to do, since I have a grave paranoia about being percieved as an over-texter or a pest. Lately, I've been so stressed I'm not even sure I'd want to date me. And I am now 99% sure it is not because I'm not physically attractive. That part just continues to improve while my emotions are toyed with and my stress level mounts. Think that would have been a better answer for the Philosopher Frat Boy?

Me either.

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