Friday, September 4, 2009

The Name Game: The Saga Continues

As you may recall, I had a one night stand with Joanie's boyfriend's friend from home. At least, I thought it was a one night stand. Until I saw this character the next day (when he called me the wrong name) and then received a phone call from Joanie which he apparently initiated.

Joanie and her boyfriend came back to the East Coast from LA to vist his family for a bit. And they obviously hung out with the Non-One Night Stand.

Apparently after the regular hellos, the first question Non-One Night Stand asked Joanie was how I was. What I was up to, has she talked to me recently, etc. Strange. What's even stranger is that apparently that wasn't it. Non-One Night Stand continued to ask Joanie about me, telling her about how he pokes me on Facebook. Oh, and how he often parouses my profile. I guess Joanie said something about how I have been getting better looking. And Non-One Night Stand said that "She's always been beautiful". He even told Joanie to invite me somewhere he was going.

Time out.

This kid who somehow managed to get me in bed after, say...9 beers and beating him at bowling is now asking about me? Over a year and a half later? And thinks I have always been beautiful? We have met once, and I apparently was not memorable after our one night affair. At least my name wasn't. But what the hell. He tells my friend and former roommate how he pokes me on Facebook? Is this his attempt to get in touch and demonstrate his alleged affection?

This Non-One Night Stand is turning into the never-ending story.

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