Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Flashback

Remember that frat guy from school, who confessed his love to me? We would chat sometimes, and had amazing chemistry. He was a master of the hot and cold act. Then when I finally let him in and we slept together, he disappeared all together. Just keep that in your mind as you read ahead.

My temp gig ended a little over a month ago. On my last day, Cornell seemed to be sad I was leaving, texting across the office and popping over more often than normal. He said we should definitely get together, etc. So the following week, no longer working there, I boldly made a move and texted first. He responded with his normal wit and once again, suggested we meet up for a drink. I obviously agreed, and that was it.

Three weeks go by. And no word from Cornell, so I deleted all of our past texts along with his contact information so I would not be tempted to try again. And then, out of the blue he texted me, asking me how I was doing. This occurred on a Tuesday. Coincidentally, the company is having a cocktail party on Thursday. I had heard through the grapevine that he was bringing a guest, and I had decided I would not. Because of this, I was prepared for a rather awkward hello and an introduction to a girlfriend or something equally awful. So the texting went on a bit, he apologized for being out of touch with some lame excuse. I continued to delay and then finally he dropped a bomb. He said he was going to ask me to be his +1 to the cocktail party, but heard I was already going.

HUH? So I waited a couple hours and said I could act as his +1. He said something back but I stopped texting.

So he's popped back up in my life. Why? I'm not sure. My head tells me not to be excited, but I just can't help but to remember our effortless flirtation. My work pal was convinced something was going on between us, and while there was nothing, we concluded together that he's probably a bit of a player anyway. I'm definitely glad we can avoid an awkward encounter, but his disappearing act has me flashing back to that frat boy who so stereotypically got what he wanted and was never seen or heard from again.

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