Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Power of Scent

You often hear about how scent can drive a man wild. Or how certain smells unconsciously trigger memories and sentiments in our brains. Under normal circumstances, I would find this to be a crock of you-know-what.

Except for this one man at work, let's call him DBD. He is a straight up Douche Bag, and is one of those senior-level employees who makes my life a living hell. He is cruel and belittling among other things. But there is one thing about DBD I cannot help but love.

His smell.

When I step into his office, my nose is overpowered by a glorious scent. My attitude and bitterness subside somewhat. My olfactory sense is so overtaken that a man I despise, whose every e-mail I dread and phone call I run from, suddenly isn't so bad. This is incredible.

In turn, I am compelled to question what other powers scent has with attraction. If this smell can make an absolute a-hole seem like less of a DB, then what about that average looking guy at the bar? Or that somewhat nerdy guy who's always after you? Does your scent make you exponentially sexier? Or keep you in the same category? I hope not the latter. Magazines alwas tell you to use a lightly scented shampoo to "turn on your man" and I'm starting to really believe it. If I hate this DB a little bit less from his cologne smell, than smelling fabulous might make the next man I meet weak in the knees. I'm definitely going to make sure to spray on a little extra perfume this weekend.

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